Monday, January 07, 2008

roller coaster

It has rained every day here for over 2 weeks. Sometimes all day, sometimes just a brief shower. But now the real summer feels like it is here. Hot and humid. It never used to bother me like it is now. That's probably because I'm focused on how the rest of the family is coping with the heat. Sami does not do well in it at all. Cary used to not do well but has adapted really well. The boys don't complain, but they just don't have a lot of energy at times. I'm not enjoying the summer like I used to. If we can get right next to the beach again then we'll get the cool sea breezes which would be nice.

I've been reading 'The Law of Attraction' by Esther and Jerry Hicks (& Abraham). I am having trouble applying it though. Living like this is not a holiday. A lot of people think it is. It is constant work just keeping the kids amused, the place clean, shopping (we have less space to store food so we have to shop more often), washing etc. The lack of space is really bothering me as is the lack of personal time. I'm trying to turn things around and focus on what's great right now and also think of the way I want things to be. Sometimes it's easier than others.

We're all healthy, our caravan keeps us dry, we have plenty of food and water, we have a lovely pool to swim in and we've made nice new friends here. Our cars get us around well. We have movies and internet and computer games and books and toys. We really are blessed and it's just getting better. We've have an abundance of good things including each other. So me, get over yourself and en-JOY this moment.

I guess it goes back to experiencing the things we don't want to really find out and get such a clear picture about the things we do want.

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